Thursday 7 March 2013

The Art of Being Found

CC image courtesy of puuikibeach on Flickr

In someways, becoming a stepmom is a journey into lostness. It is often an unmarked, uncelebrated transition. This is especially true if you and your partner are not married but move in together. It can feel like suddenly being thrown into the deep end of someone else's life and being forced to swim. It is confusing and the boundaries are unmarked. Even when your relationship with your partner is great, there is still this feeling of being unsettled and between things.

When this happens, you have to engage in the art of being found. When the question who am I yields no results, you have to focus on the more powerful question of who do I want to be.

Clarity makes magic happen. When we get clear about what we want and who we want to be, we unlock the doors of opportunity. Magic begins to flow into our lives. The life that was lost comes back.

Take sometime today and reflect on who you want to be. What do you want your life to look like? Your home? Your work? Your relationship? Your family? Your health? What means success and happiness to you? Look at all areas of your life.

Today, give yourself permission to dream and imagine what your life could be like. Who knows? Some of it might just come to pass!

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